Pasqual “Paco” Torres was born over thirty years ago in the town of Jacksonville, NC. His father was a career Marine, his mother a housewife. Possibly due to complications during pregnancy, their second child, Pasqual, was born without legs.
Following his parents’ divorce at age 6, Paco was raised primarily by his father, who instilled in him self-confidence and taught him how to be an effective communicator. As Paco says, Whenever I made a mistake, my father would sit me down and ask me, "What did you learn?" Sometimes he would have Paco write a letter of apology to the person he harmed. Paco is thankful his father had the wisdom to not just punish him but actually discuss the issue.
Beginning at the age of 2, Paco was a regular patient at the Shriner’s Hospital for Children who generously provided him with prosthetic legs free-of-charge until the age of 21. (Currently, Paco wears C-legs by Otto Bock.) Other than legs, he also uses a skateboard and wheelchair to get around.
Paco started wrestling in high school at the encouragement of his brother and the wrestling coach. By his senior year, he had 60 wins/33 losses, won 4 medals, and was awarded “Most Inspirational Wrestler” in Tucson – as well as received some attention from the local media.
After graduating from Arizona State University, he later went on to receive his Masters in Business Management at University of Phoenix.
Paco has lived in North Carolina, Puerto Rico, California, Arizona, and Japan. He currently lives in New York City with his wife Emily, works for the Department of Justice in Brooklyn, and plays for the Philadelphia Eagles wheelchair rugby team.
The Paco Channel
The Paco Channel

Paco Pasqual Torres Amputee wrestles without legs

Paco Pasqual Torres 2 Amputee wrestler without legs

Paco Torres: Born Without Legs